Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cool Stuff - FNO - Part2

 Continuing along on my FNO perusal, here is what else I saw:

At Neiman Marcus and couldn't stop looking at these Donna Karan featured looks

Also at Neiman Marcus there was a sketch booth where a graphic designer would sketch your portrait and hand out a post card format printed with it. Pure bliss!

At Westfield Mall, Kenchen: a pop up store with all hand made locally sourced clothing! My heart just stopped!

The designer from Kenchen

At Marc Jacobs the party was just getting started! Look at all these vintage vinyl records used by the DJ.

Loooooveee old school DJ's!

Harland from Marc Jacobs, striking personality!

I hope you all enjoyed the Fashion Night Out wherever you are! Xoxo

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